The professor threatens the lives of the Russian’s family member and Raquel loses her chance to discover his true identity. At the Mint Berlin believes that Denver is to blame for his identity being exposed as he was the one to use his coat in the car where the button was found. He comes close to executing Denver when he discovers that the latter did not kill Monica which may allow him to fix his relationship with the professor. Denver and Monica’s relationship is getting stronger but at the same time her fears and doubts keep pushing her back to Arturo.
Al amenazar las vidas de mujer e hija del ruso, el profesor logra evitar que Raquel consiga el retrato robot y así su propia identidad. Berlín busca a Denver pensando que él es el culpable de que su identidad se haya descubierto al usar su chaqueta en el coche y quiere matarle para cobrar su honor. Al descubrir que Denver no mató a Mónica se alegra de la oportunidad de volver a las buenas con el profesor.
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